10 Worst Things Scott Steiner Has Done (In Wrestling)

Posted by Almeda Bohannan on Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Scott Steiner is one of the most memorable wrestlers of the past three decades with various reasons for his fame. Both WCW and WWE had successful of Scott in the tag division teaming with Rick as the Steiner Brothers. Scott star grew brighter when becoming a top singles heel towards the end of WCW’s run.

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The WWE stint as a singles star led to his reputation falling apart. TNA of all places helped Steiner find new fans due to his humorous promos. Scott has primarily played a heel that delivered dastardly actions to many of his foes. Find out just how often Steiner crossed the line with the worst acts done by him in the wrestling world.

10 Shoot promos towards Ric Flair

Ric Flair and Scott Steiner developed heat with each other in the early ‘90s after having a bad match together. Steiner believed that Flair tried to sabotage him in the match and hurt his career behind the scenes.

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The resentment existed for years leading to Steiner getting revenge in 2000. WCW allowed Steiner to cut his own shoot promos as a singles star. Some of the promos saw Steiner burying Flair with no real feud or payoff coming from it.

9 Having dogs attack Sting

The reunion of the Steiner Brothers saw Rick and Scott both playing heels in the latter half of 1999. Scott started to help Rick out in his singles program with Sting after turning heel. Both brothers tried to torment Sting in the build to the match.

The Steiner Brothers had their rottweiler dogs attack Sting in a backstage segment that added a personal vendetta to the feud. Even though Rick was the man wrestling Sting, many of the most ruthless actions were from Scott.

8 Forming an alliance with Test

WWE struggled to find the right role for Scott Steiner in the early 2000s after the horrible introduction feud with Triple H. Steiner struggled to get over as a face during his mid-card feud with Test with Stacy Keibler’s managerial services on the line.

Both wrestlers eventually united up as a heel tag team. Steiner shared Test’s vision to make Stacy miserable to easily get heel heat. The team still couldn’t get over the hump with Steiner getting released shortly after.

7 Attacking injured Sid

The 2001 show Sin saw Scott Steiner having one of his final successful WCW Championship matches. Road Warrior Animal was a disappointing mystery competitor of a four-way match with Steiner, Sid Vicious, and Jeff Jarrett.

The ugly botch in the match ruined it before Animal even entered the equation. Sid fractured his leg with a scary injury that looked bad right away. Steiner kept going after Sid since he was the only face in the ring and even attacked him after the match to sell his new heel faction.

6 Faking retirement due to injury

A heel faking a retirement after suffering an injury is always an effective way to get heat. Scott Steiner suffered an injury in late 1999 and got the sympathy from fans buying into his teases of having to retire from WCW.

The promo was emotional until Scott turned heel by attacking Sid Vicious. Steiner revealed he was completely healthy and would be continuing as a top villain. The heat was even stronger after his fake-out, making fans care about him again.

5 Choking out Goldberg with pipe

Scott Steiner scored the biggest win of his career in 2000 by getting a rare decisive victory over Goldberg. Fall Brawl featured Goldberg and Steiner squaring off in a No DQ match which was arguably the last great match in WCW history.

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The use of a lead pipe helped Steiner get the advantage to win the match. Scott choked out Goldberg by using the pipe during the Steiner Recliner submission. WCW fans viewed Steiner as a bigger star after the ruthless moment.

4 Main Event Mafia attacks

The Main Event Mafia found huge success for TNA with a super heel group. Sting, Hulk Hogan, Booker T, Kevin Nash, and Scott Steiner started the group of all former world champions working together to take over TNA.

The first few months of the Main Event Mafia saw the group delivering a few brutal attacks on AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. Steiner’s memorable promos added to the fun side, but his vicious moments in the ring made them a threat.

3 Betraying Stephanie McMahon

Eric Bischoff and Stephanie McMahon were the General Managers of Raw and Smackdown when trying to recruit Scott Steiner in 2002. The back and forth saw them each offering Steiner various perks to sign him.

Stephanie even made out with Steiner live in the ring with teases of more intimacy off-camera. Steiner however called Stephanie a tease and went against his word of signing with Smackdown. Bischoff eventually signed Steiner to join Raw where he flopped.

2 Shoot promos running down DDP and Kimberly

The issues between Scott Steiner and Diamond Dallas Page got extremely personal with DDP’s wife Kimberly getting involved. Steiner was reportedly upset at Kimberly for informing management that his friend Tammy Sytch had drugs in the women’s locker room.

The shoot promo from Steiner was bitter with him running down DDP and Kimberly. Fans were confused since Steiner was not feuding with the Page family at the time. It resulted in a huge backstage fight and Kimberly choosing to leave WCW.

1 Turning on Rick Steiner

The most heinous action by Scott Steiner in his career saw him betraying his brother Rick after almost a decade of teaming and their entire lifetimes growing up together. It all ended in 1998 during a match against The Outsiders.

Scott betrayed Rick by attacking him during the match to join the New World Order. WCW was finally giving Scott a singles push, but it came in a way that made him a hated star moving forward. Scott turning on his own brother was the perfect despicable act to start his new path.

NEXT: Big Poppa Pump: 10 Things Fans Should Know About Scott Steiner
